Rans S6 Coyote
Francis's Rans S6 Coyote.
Good day JG
My VGs are installed now. Yesterday the first testing without wind are :
...........................................................without VGs..................with VGs
Stall speed with flaps clean 75 km/h 65 km/h (35 kts)
Take off........................... very short about 1/2 as long
Landing with flaps 2 ....................... final at 100 km/h finale at 85 km/h (but could be slower now)
Cruise at 5800 rpm 150 km/h 150 km/h (81 kts)
Good balance now with the VGs under the horizontal stabilizer.
Landings are much easier and smoother, just float on.
I have placed the first 18 VGs spacing at 60 mm and the others at 90 mm. All at 84 mm back from the leading edge as you can see on the picture join.
Thank you JG
Francis, France