Placing the Stolspeed VGs on the 701
For the main wing, place the front tips of the VGs 175mm in front of the main rivet line on the top of the spar. There are two rivet lines out near the tips, but use the line that runs the length of the wing.
Starting at the wing tips, place the first 15 VGs at a spacing of 60mm with the template, then the rest at 90mm spacing.
The easiest and tidiest way to remove the slat brackets, is just to cut them off about 12mm from the skin, along the profile of the leading edge. Then they look like miniature stall fences, and you don't have to fill the holes in the skin.
Tip from John Austin (750) Cut the brackets at 20mm out from the skin, so that you could re-attach the slats again, if desired
Here's a neat and simple way to cut the brackets back so that they look good.
The highest point is 18mm from the skin, and the holes are 3/8 and 1/4" to give a feature look.
For the tail, place the VGs on the elevator rather than the horizontal stab.Place the front tips of the VGs 120mm in front of the rivet line on the underside of the elevator spar, at a spacing of 30mm. The curvature of the elevator increases at this point, and basically you are just trying to get the VGs as far forward as possible.