Zenith 601HDS Page
Experiences of Viktor Stausak in Switzerland

Hello JG
I tested my Zenair 601 HDS with your VGs installed.
Engine is 80hp Rotax 912.
Prop is Woodcomp 3-blade in flight adjustable.
Weight 545kg.
I’m absolutely impressed and surprised about the results, never expected! It is a big advantage for safety and operation. I demonstrated my new airplane to 601 flyers and to the German dealer of Zodiac. My test results with fotos go to all experimental builders in
To install VGs is the best modification I ever made, even for a low investment. The only mistake I made, not to install VGs 800 flight hours earlier.

Another 601 wing, this time with VGs only on the outer portion.
Note the difference in airflow!!

See photos of some of his adventures.
rpm. I re-checked stall speed before VG installation at 3000 ft and air temp of 49 degrees F as being "stall buffeting at 58 mph IAS (all speeds IAS) and full stall at 56 mph". Test conditions air temp was 40 degrees F. Altitude 3000 ft. Atmos. pressure approx equal. Takeoff weight equal to test flight. First impression was an increase in climb rate at 80 mph. Rough attempt to measure would be an extra 200 ft/min. Pre-stall buffeting now begins at 54 mph and is significantly more apparent. Full stall at 52 mph, no more abrupt than without the VGs. There appears to be no measurable difference in cruise speed - the 120 mph. Since I only made one landing I will make no comment as to stability, but greased it on using my normal over the fence speed of 75 mph. No VGs parted company.
rpm on the 912 I was climbing very slowly at 55 mph with the nose pointingup at what seemed like 45 degrees.
So far, certainly meeting expectations!
got the results I posted above.
After a new paint job I reinstalled the VGs at the 18% line. My logic was
that with the airfoil of the zodie wing, the air would start to detach
further back.
For many reasons, so far I have not done any real exploration of the
envelope, but one thing has really stood out. When landing at my previous
75 mph indicated the plane would float much more and not sink until below 60
mph indicated. With a passenger, the previous harder touchdown if I forgot
to add 5 mph to the speed has gone. The plane seems to be significantly
more controllable at the landing speeds. Cruise speed has not been affected
at all. Stall is maybe a bit lower than with the 10% application.
I've had absolutely no problem with them falling off. They were not
difficult to remove. Just needed to be cleaned before reinstall. The glue
rubbed off the wings with the fingers.
For me, they are a well worthwhile improvement.
Dave, Ontario, Canada
The following is a link to a wesite created by Peter Chapman, in Canada, regarding the results of his testing of Stolspeed VGs on his 601HDS. There are videos and still photos of tuft testing there.